Ditch The Drive Through: The Truth About Fast Food






Can you imagine having to wait until the fair came to town to buy a hamburger? (That is if you eat fast food) This was reality for the nation before 1921.



This was the year that short order cook Walter Anderson and former reporter Edgar W. “Billy” Ingram teamed up to build the first White Castle Resturant in Wichita, Kansas.



Before this hamburgers were thought of as a low grade food, and only available at fairs and street cars.



The idea of fast food didn’t really “catch on “ immediately, it came with the popularity of the automobile, as people became more mobile and traveled more they desired quicker food on the go.



Let's jump ahead to the 1940s. The original McDonald's is streamlining the food assembly, more of what we see present day in fast food chain restaurants.



The original theory of having only a few menu items...

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Compression therapy recovery suits, are they full of hot air?

Compression recovery suits…are they full of hot air?


Lets find out…



I own the Normatec recovery pulse 2.0 system. When I bought this system it included the legs attachment, the arms attachment, the hip attachment, the required hose, and one air power unit. 

This system cost a little more because it included all of the attachments. You can purchase what attachments you want separately, or bundle them together. 

You can start with the legs attachment, air power unit, and hose. Adding the arms and/ or the hip attachments at a later date. Which can both be purchased separately. 


These options make it nice. You are available to add to your suit as your budget allows. 


This system works Awesome for me. The system only came with one power unit, so you can only use one attachment at a time. 


Meaning you can only use the arms, the legs, or the hips. 

Not two together. I ordered a second power unit, so I am...

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